
Spay and Neuter Resources

To assist with the trapping of feral cats, please contact Angel Pets at 717-921-2117 to borrow Have-A-Heart or drop traps.

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Feral and Free-Roaming Cats

It is well established that the only effective, humane way to manage feral cat colonies is through TNR (Trap, Neuter, Release), which proactively prevents more cats from being born through spaying and neutering. Please visit alleycat.org for information on why TNR is the only effective, humane way to manage feral cats.
  • Nobody’s Cats Foundation (NCF) – NCF operates a high-volume, low-cost spay/neuter clinic for feral cats only. The clinic is located at 3090 Hartzdale Drive, Suite 905, Camp Hill. For more information about low cost program for feral cats, visit nobodyscats.org. Nobody’s Cats Foundation also loans Have-A-Heart traps for a refundable deposit.
  • PAWS Trap Neuter Return (TNR) Program – A low-cost program for spaying and neutering of feral and stray cats, offered in exchange for the callers’ commitment to providing permanent shelter, fresh food, and fresh water for the animals. Animals must be at least six months of age and all cats will receive surgery, rabies and distemper vaccines, ear tipping, de-worming, flea treatment, ear cleaning and ear-mite treatment, as well as an antibiotic injection. Call 717-957-8122, Box #3 and leave a message. This program serves south central Pennsylvania, including Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry, and York Counties. Information is also available at pawsofpa.org. Donations are requested.
  • York SPCA Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program – provides affordable surgeries for owned cats and dogs or feral cats. Pit bulls will be spayed or neutered for free. Call 717-764-6109 or visit ycspca.org.                 
  • Adams County Prevent a Litter Society – Offers certificates for reductions in cat spays and neuters at participating vets. Call 717-624-3408 or visit acpals.org for more information.
  • Animal Rescue Inc. – Low-cost spay/neuter program for cats in the York, PA area. Call 717-993-3232 or visit www.animalrescueinc.org.
  • Friends of All Animals – Low-cost spay/neuter program for cats and dogs in Lebanon County and the surrounding areas. Call 717-272-6466 or send requests to Gloria at foaa@lmf.net. Information is also available at www.friendsofallanimals.org.
  • Helping Hands for Animals – Spay/neuter program for cats and dogs in Lancaster County.  Call 717-687-7297 or send requests to P.O. Box 162, Lampeter, PA 17537.
  • Kitz and Katz Animal Foundation – Offers low cost spay/neuter clinics. Please visit www.kitzandkatz.org for more information.
  • Lower Paxton Community Cats – A free spay/neuter program for Lower Paxton township residents, for spaying/neutering free-roaming cats only. Services include spay/neuter surgery, rabies vaccine, and ear tip. For more information please visit www.lowerpaxtoncats.com.
  • Humane Society of Harrisburg Area (HSHA) – Offers low cost spay/neuter options for cats and dogs. Please visit their website at www.humanesocietyhbg.org for more information.
  • Organization for Responsible Care of Animals (ORCA) – With the cooperation of area veterinarians, ORCA administers a low-cost, fixed-price spay/neuter program. Call their Animal-Alert Hotline at 717-397-8922 for more information or visit their website at www.orcarescue.org.
  • PAWS Reduced Fee Voucher Program – A program providing vouchers for participating vets that enable reduced fees for spay or neuter surgery for cats and dogs, as well as rabies and distemper vaccines (at the time of surgery). Some pre-qualifying requirements based on income and financial situation. Call 717-957-8122, Box #3 and leave a message. A representative will call to discuss details. Information is also available at www.pawsofpa.org.
  • SNAP – Spay Neuter Assistance Program – SNAP offers low-cost spay/neuter through participating veterinarians. To obtain a low-cost coupon and the list of veterinarians, call 717-732-5377 or visit www.snapofpa.org. Vaccinations and other services are available through these practices. Additional charges do apply for office visits and other services.
  • Steelton Borough Community Cats offers owned and feral cats free spay/neuter in ZIP codes 17113 and 17034 (Steelton & Highspire). Call 717877-4146 or 717-215-0674.
  • SUN P.E.T.S. Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Assistance Program – A financial-assistance program for the pets of low-income people and families in Northumberland, Snyder, and Union counties. Call 570-523-1135 or visit info@sunpets.org.
  • Too Much of a Good Thing provides low-cost spay/neuter for cats. Males $30; females $50. Call 717-465-7220 for an appointment.
  • York SPCA Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program provides affordable surgeries for owned cats and dogs or feral cats. Pit bulls will be spayed or neutered for free. Call 717-764-6109 or visit ycspca.org.